Why join the Monga craftsmen network? Its quite simple!Profits ?Incoming requests that you are free to accept or not;These requests are qualified (near you, degree of urgency indicated, etc.);We help you, if you wish, to renegotiate your RC Pro and ten-year insurance thanks to an exclusive partnership with the SPVIE Assurances Group;Monga does not take commission.The cost ? 0 euro.Our clients are property managers who send us technical requests. We pass them on to you as partners. Its free !Mongas craftsmen-partners carried out more than 7,500 missions in 2022.Fonctionnalities ?Track record of a missionNotifications for a new assignment related to an issue in the accommodationChat available to chat with Monga teamsOnline appointment booking, via the application, to streamline the meeting with the occupantDocumentary space, integration of the estimate, the invoice and the intervention report for each mission